Laufrollenprofil 8 D14 (3 Meter)

Bestellnummer: P8-LRP-14-S3

Material: Al, eloxiert
A = 15,48 cm2
Wx = 15,34 cm3
Wy = 14,25 cm3
Ix = 47,90 cm4
Iy = 47,92 cm4
It = 11,14 cm4
Stangen: 3.000 mm
m = 4,18 kg/m

Zugeschnittene bzw. individuell bearbeitete Waren sind vom Umtausch und der Warenrückgabe ausgeschlossen.

The roller profile is used to build bearing units 8 D14 in any length (max. 6000 mm). The matching rollers, bolts and end cap and lubricating systems are offered separately. Special milling is required for the connection processing. If required, the machining drawing can be requested via



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